Season 2, Episode 1
Peeling back the curtain on local government
This season's first episode explores what happens when neighbors and local government work together to make their communities stronger and more inclusive.
When Linda Harris began working at city hall in her hometown of Decatur, Georgia, she noticed that the relationship between local government leaders and their constituents was often tense, or nonexistent. City workers were used to residents interacting with them when they had a complaint, for example. She came up with an idea: a straightforward class open to anyone in Decatur to learn about how their city government worked.
Thus began Decatur 101, now a long-standing institution that even the mayor participated in. In this episode, we talk with Linda and Decatur 101 participants about why understanding how your government works, empowers you to begin advocating for changes you want to see in your community.
In this Episode
Linda Harris
Linda Harris, assistant city manager for the city of Decatur, Georgia. In this role, Linda focuses on civic engagement, education, communication, and tourism with overall management responsibility for the Department of Community & Economic Development as well as overseeing the Active Living and Children & Youth Services Divisions. Linda previously served as the Chief of Civic Engagement, Education, and Communication for the same department.
Dan Whisenhunt
Dan Whisenhunt, editor and publisher of Decaturish, a local news site covering Deactur and Dekalb County. He participated in Decatur 101 not long after moving to Decatur in 2012 and starting Decaturish in 2013. An Alabama native, he previously worked as a county government reporter at the Times Free Press in Chattanooga and served as assistant editor/content manager at Reporter Newspapers in Sandy Springs, Georgia.
Patti Garrett
Patti Garrett, mayor of Decatur and a former Decatur 101 participant. She was elected to the Decatur City Commission in 2009 and has served as mayor since 2016. Previously, she taught nutrition, provided nutrition counseling services, and worked as a clinical dietitian at Georgia State University and Emory University Health Services. She is interested in health policy, particularly related to access to healthy foods, equity, environmental policies, active lifestyles and the role of local government in fostering healthy, equitable and vibrant communities.